Learn calm breathing with Linkura’s new Biofeedback exercise

Finding time for recovery in a stressful life is a major concern for many. Now we are launching our proposed solution for easy recovery that can fit in a stressful lifestyle. With our device and new Biofeedback exercise you will learn how to breathe in your daily life to achieve the recovery you need.

A significant point is that once you’ve trained yourself in this, your body can handle much of the recovery automatically. Breathing is largely unconscious. All you need to do is occasionally take some calm breaths to move your body towards recovery.

What happens in the body?

Most people don’t know that you can shift your body into recovery mode through breathing. The body’s nervous system has a calm part. When we inhale, the activity in this part decreases, and when we exhale, it increases. Since the heart is connected to this system, you can see it in your pulse—the heart speeds up when you inhale and slows down when you exhale. When we’re recovered, this system operates at full capacity, and the pulse fluctuates up and down. The charm is that it works the other way around too! When we breathe in a way that varies the pulse, the calm system activates, and the body moves towards recovery.

How does the exercise work?

In concrete terms, you see your pulse in the app during the exercise and should try to breathe in a way that clearly swings in rhythm with your breaths. You’ll see a percentage value as a measure of how well you’re doing. The exercise is about achieving a value above 75% for three minutes. The app displays a ball to breathe in sync with. You don’t have to follow it exactly, but it’s a good support. If you want to close your eyes to relax better while doing the exercise, you can turn on the sound and listen. We built this feature for those who want to practice with headphones and quickly return to the exercise whenever you want in your daily life.

Biofeedback exercise
See your breathing in real time while doing the exercise

How should you breathe?

It’s not difficult but requires a little practice! You’ll get help in the app, but it’s about breathing slowly and rhythmically. For many, it works even better if you breathe through the nose and deeper into the abdomen. But it’s not just about mechanics; you need to relax too since the brain is involved. In precise terms, this is called interoception, which means learning to sense your own body and how it reacts, in this case, to breathing.

When will you start to see the effect?

As the new calm breathing pattern settles in, you will notice that your recovery and well-being increase. Our recommendation is to first do the exercise a few times a day for a few weeks. Then you will learn the new breathing consciously and subconsciously. If you can use the device during the day, it’s even better. Then you can do the exercise directly in your daily life, for example, between work activities. We recommend that after this initial period, you continue with a simple breathing routine to maintain the new breathing. For example, every morning, you can do one of the exercises in the app where you don’t need the device.