
“Imagine if the advanced measurement technology available in healthcare could be used by everyone, to feel as good as possible”

Our History

The story of Rooftop Resilience begins in the long corridors at Linköping University. Under the leadership of associate professor Anders Tjernvik, a group of researchers developed a platform that could measure and follow physiological reactions in real time. In 2013, the work was spun off from the Department of Biomedical Engineering and laid the foundation of what for long was Linkura and today Rooftop Resilience. 10 years later, we continue to run applied research and development of the platform in collaboration with, among others, LiU, Vinnova and RiSE.

Sprung from research at Linköping University

That the body’s signals can be used to monitor disease is well known in medical research. It was also here that Anders Tjernvik began his journey. Today he is associate professor in physiological measurement technology and research manager at Rooftop. For nearly 10 years, he researched at the Department of Biomedical Engineering on methods to monitor breathing and heart rhythm with non-invasive technology. The big breakthrough came when Anders asked himself the question; Why do we only use this very relevant bodily information to monitor diseases? Instead of using it to learn being well?

A scientist with a vision

Monitoring the healthy body was at this time something very unusual. Long before Apple Watches and sports watches, Anders became a pioneer in the field and published well-known scientific articles on how breathing, heart rhythm and physiological load were connected. In parallel with the theoretical advances, his team developed a technical platform to make the technology available to a wider audience. After many years of development, the project was commercialized and laid the foundation for what is today Rooftop Resilience.

With science in our DNA

Since the foundation, Anders has continued to develop Linkura and later Rooftop Resilience, in close collaboration with our team of beta users and everyone involved in our courses and programs. What was once a technical proof of concept is today a full-fledged platform for learning calmness and training resilience. The platform consists of a patented ECG sensor, mobile apps for iOS and Android, cloud infrastructure and online content to assist you as a Rooftop user.

Examples from our scientific publications

Physiological modeling and machine learning
  • We show how machine learning can be used to measure the respiratory variation in blood circulation, which is the basis of HRV.
  • Early theoretical advances regarding how breathing with the stomach or chest affects blood circulation.
Stable, continuous and wireless HRV platforms
  • Pioneering work in wireless transmission of advanced biodata
  • Development of convenient, wearable sensors, including conductive textiles, textile electrodes and printed electronics.
  • Development of probably the world’s first platform for wireless transmission of continuous complete ECG for stress measurement and biofeedback.
Basic research on breathing and HRV measurement using non-invasive sensor technology
  • Research on how breathing affects circulation – Including age, gender, measurement position on the body, breathing pattern and breathing volume.
  • Experimental studies to correlate respiration and HRV to physiological data – Including venous, arterial, and nervous contributions, as well as ANS tone, anesthesia, mechanical ventilation, and hypovolemia.